This past spring, the Biomedical Engineering and Technology Incubation Center (BETiC) hosted its annual gathering. BETiC, which is part of the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IITB) invited more than 60 leading innovators in the fields of government, medicine, and academia to attend. These attendees met to discuss innovations in the field of medical devices, challenges scaling start-ups, and how to move a product from prototype to finished product.
IITB worked with MiracleFeet from June 2017 to June 2018 on a brace sensor study and we were excited to meet up with our colleagues from IITB to showcase the MiracleFeet brace as part of this event.
The brace was exhibited at a booth as part of the Medical Device Expo. In addition, Medical Advisor for MiracleFeet Dr. Alaric Aroojis spoke about the brace study and its aim improve treatment outcomes for patients. Thanks to the collaboration among the teams from Wadia Hospital, Metwiz, and IITB, the brace sensor study was completed on a short timeline – in fact, it was the only one among eleven projects selected to reach completion!
“It was a great feeling to see our brace project get so much positive coverage and encouragement and I am sure this will open up even more avenues for collaboration and research,” said Dr. Aroojis.